Let’s face it, the style of clothing you are wearing right now will most likely be outdated in a few years. Don’t believe me? Ask yourself this question: “would I wear the clothes my parents wore at my age?”
There have been times that I am walking through the store and I see someone in a pretty outdated (or maybe its making a grand comeback) outfit, and I think to myself, “what in the world are your wearing!!”
Can I ask you the same question in regards to what you are wearing spiritually? Let me explain by providing our key verses for today:
Proverbs 6:20-22
My son, keep thy father’s commandment, and forsake not the law of thy mother: bind them continually upon thine heart, and tie them about thy neck. When thou goest, it shall lead thee; when thou sleepest, it shall keep thee; and when thou awakest, it shall talk with thee.
Solomon introduces a stylish outfit for all young people to wear. The first article of godly clothing mentioned is bound around the heart. The second article of clothing is a Jewish phylactery which is placed around the forehead or the wrist.
The Jewish phylactery may be new to you, so let me explain what that is: it is a little black box with leather straps that was worn around the wrist or the forehead. Inside the black box there is found a piece of paper which is inscribed with verses from the Torah (first five books of the Bible). This was a reminder to each Jew that wore it to remain true to the God’s commandments.
Now before you start to disregard the rest of this blog, let me confirm with you that Solomon is not telling you do as the Jews do in actually wearing the phylactery. However, to the readers of Solomon’s day, they would have understood the picture that he is portraying. Here is what Solomon is telling you to do today:
The bound heart and the Jewish phylactery is a picture of what you are to wear spiritually. Solomon is reminding you, that everyday you are to be clothed with commandments and the laws of your parents.
You may feel as though your parents rules and regulations for you are outdated, and that when you are out of the house, you will be free to live life your way. You may even feel that when you are a parent, you will never have such “restrictive” rules for your children. You want them to be “free.”
But before you make a hard fast decision on this, let me remind you of what verse 22 says. These rules that your parents expect of you, will guard you and keep you. No matter if you are walking, sleeping or fully awake and thinking about life, this wisdom from your parents will keep you from falling into many of Satan’s traps.
So these rules of your parents are not outdated, they are exactly what you need to help you fight the strategic enemy you have in Satan.
Your parents answer to the Lord for how they have raise you. They are commanded to raise you in wisdom. And you answer to the Lord for how you respond to your parents. You are commanded to respond in honor and obedience.
There is no age limit for honor and obedience.
Instead of despising the laws of the household, be thankful that you have parents that love you enough to protect you and provide you with wisdom. So take these rules, bind them to your heart and wear them proudly. Do not forsake this wisdom, embrace it as profitable for your health and safe keeping!
So again, I ask the question: What are you wearing?
Are you wearing your way? Or embracing the wisdom of the godly parents God has given you?