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Too Stressed?

By Pastor Starr

Here is a question for you to think about today: Is it a sin to be stressed?

We are embarking on uncharted territory with this virus that is shutting down everything around us. It is so easy to stress about the new online system for school. How will the rest of your senior year go? Will I have enough groceries if store shut down? Will I get the virus? Will summer be the same? How will I be able to home-school my kids?!?

The world is under intense stress right now. Again, I come to the question, is stress a sin?

Philippians 4:6 Be careful for nothing.

The command in scripture is to be anxious or worried about nothing.

But, isn't that impossible? We can't help it when life as we know it is turned upside down and shaken! Try as hard as we may, we cannot change the life altering events around us.

I do not believe that stress in and of itself is sin...but how we treat our stress can be. Look at the second part of Philippians 4:6 but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving let your request be made known unto God.

I want to leave you with the picture to back up this truth.

Luke 22:44 And being in agony (under stress) he (Jesus) prayed more earnestly.

Jesus Christ himself, who committed no sin, was under stress at the time of the prayer in the garden. But how did Jesus handle His stress? He followed Philippians 4:6 and brought His request to the Father.

I love that Luke even added the words "more earnestly."

In your time of intense stress, when you cannot change the life altering events around you...pray more earnestly!

You cannot stop the events that happen around you...but you can and are commanded to bring them to God.

What is the result of bringing your stress to God? ~ Peace.

Philippians 4:7 And the peace of God...shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

Praying for you all today! Let the peace of God rule your heart today and pray earnestly!

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