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Remembering God's Blessings

By Mr. Prusak

I recently had someone tell me they purchased a 1,000 piece puzzle to do while quarantined at home due to the COVID-19 virus. The purpose? Give themselves something to do and when completed, they would frame it and display it as a remembrance of being quarantined at home. This, and my own Bible reading, made me think of the Children of Israel and what the Lord did for them coming out of the Wilderness.

Joshua 4:6 - That this may be a sign among you, that when your children ask their fathers in time to come, saying, What mean ye by these stones?

Someday when this is all over and life gets back to normal, we will look back on the time spent at home and wonder, “how did I survive that?” or “how did I allow God to show Himself strong in my life?” A few select people are still as crazy busy as normal, but for many, we have more time for things we normally do not get to, like doing a 1,000 piece puzzle. How are you spending it? Are you looking for ways to minister to people? It is hard because we have to show creativity and extra ambition, but how will you look back on this time? When all of this is over are you going to look back with regret, or are you going to look back and see how the Lord worked in and through you? I challenge you, pick up the phone or message that person you know is struggling with anxiety about all that is going on and share a verse of comfort with them. Use the extra time you have to spend quality time in God’s Word and quality time with your family. Commit these unique days we are living in to the Lord and see what He does!

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