I have always loved corn mazes. They always seem to look so easy when you are standing outside of them. It is just a square lot of corn…is it really that difficult? After about 10-15 minutes of running around inside, you begin to wonder exactly where you are. If you are like me, after that 10 minute mark, reality sets in that you may not exactly know how to get out. Panic starts to hit your heart as you soon realize…you are lost. So what do you do? Instead of running down the rows without a clear direction of where you are going, you should pause and consider the path before you. Where will this path take you? And when you are finished with that path, where will the next one take you, all while picturing the maze “map” in your head.
When you think about it, life can almost be like a corn maze. When you are a teenager it seems as though life is super easy when you look at it. Then you run through your teen years, run into your college years and realize, you have no idea what you are doing with your life and where you should go. Panic then sets in as you realize you are lost.
The Lord told Jeremiah to remind Israel, who had been running down paths that they shouldn’t have been, to ponder their path.
Jeremiah 6:16a Thus saith the Lord, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein and ye shall find rest for your souls.
God reminded Israel, that instead of running down every fun looking path frivolously they needed to ponder the path they would take. What path leads to life? What path did my godly parents take? What path would my pastor take? What path would Jesus take?
The difference between a panicking teenager and a peaceful teenager is the path that they take.
Every decision you make is a path paved in your life.
Who will I hang out with? What will I do? What will I listen to? What will I watch? What will I allow in my life?
These are all paths paved before you. The teenager that stops and looks down the path before it is traveled and considers the good way, will find peace.
Israel did not listen. The last part of the verse says, "but they said, We will not walk therein."
Israel would reap the consequences of not walking down the good path.
Save yourself the panic and ponder the path before you!