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It's Time To Fight

By: Pastor Starr

It's a struggle, I know. Every day that you open your eyes, is another day that Satan attacks and tempts. It gets old. I wish that I could tell you it gets better as you get older, but the truth is, as long as you are breathing, you are in a battle against the devil and his angels. 

How can we have the victory? What can we do to fight back against our adversary? 

There is hope! Amidst the thought that it is a constant battle and it gets tiring...God supplies us with a weapon that is vital to beating any sin you struggle with!

Psalm 119:11 Thy word have I hid in my heart, that I might not sin against thee.

I am sure many of you have this verse "memorized," but did you catch that last part? That I might not sin against thee.

Teens, what you need on a daily basis to fight back against the devil is exactly what Christ used in Matthew 4 - God's Word. 

And not just reading God's Word, but hiding it in your heart. How do you do that? takes takes effort...but if you want to fight back against sin and have the victory, then it takes a conscious effort. 

So a simple question to you today that I want you to ponder - Are you memorizing God's Word?

If you are not, there is a huge chance that you are struggling with a sin. 

It's Time To Fight by memorizing God's Word!!

I want you to have victory...which means you need to put effort into memorizing God's Word :-) 

The challenge is this - find a verse to memorize that deals with a sin you are struggling with, and commit to memory that verse between now and next Wednesday. 

Will you do that with me? 

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