Can you imagine waking up one day and finding out that you are now a captive of another nation? You are now a slave to that nation and your job is to do all of the hard manual labor throughout the country. Life is so different now. What you eat is far worse than what you had. Your house is now more like a shack and nothing like home. Your jobs are exhausting, and now you have to do them in the blazing hot sun. There is no news running around the camp as to how long life would be like this. It could be for days. It could be for months. It could be for 430 years.
This was the life that Israel once woke up to. They were now captives to the great nation of Egypt. Their homes were taken away, they were split up, they were given really tough jobs in the hot sun, and their food was less than appetizing.
How long would they be in this dark time in their life? No one knew. Days went by. Months went by. Years went by. Year 430 rolls around and it finally looked like they were free, but, Pharaoh changed his mind.
Finally, Moses came to the children of Israel with amazing news:
Exodus 14:13 And Moses said unto the people, Fear ye not, stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord, which he will shew to you to day: for the Egyptians whom ye have seen to day, ye shall see them again no more for ever.
Just when the Israelites thought they were escaping this terrible life, here come the Egyptians chasing after them.
They had two taken captive...or jump in the sea and hope to not drown.
But Moses reminds the Israelites who they are serving. They are serving Jehovah! The Savior! The I Am! The one and only God!
Moses encourages the Israelites to put their trust in the Lord and watch Him work.
I am not sure what dark time you are going through right now or may go through in the future. I am not sure how long it will last, but what I do know is God is in control. He is ready to step forward and work in a mighty way.
Just because the trial lingers, does not mean that God ceases to be good.
The only problem is we are possibly standing in the way of seeing Him working because we fear what's before us and are not trusting in Him.
The reality is, God is much bigger than what is captivating us.
In a moment He can remove it.
I love the promises Moses relays from the Lord: See those Egyptians? The ones you really fear? Get a good look at them...because you will never see them again.
What "problem" in your life are you staring at in fear? Fear Him work, and like the Egyptians, see your problems disappear by the hand of Almighty God.