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Characteristics of a Committed Leader

By: Mr. Prusak

Being a teen can be hard. Being a teen in a Christian home can be even harder at times. Being a teen who wants to be a committed leader and follower of God in the youth group can top all challenges. Nehemiah demonstrated a committed leader's attitude and drew it out of others. The people finished the wall in 52 days, despite many adversities. Their great accomplishment so thrilled Nehemiah that he wrote:

(Neh 6:16) - And it came to pass, that when all our enemies heard thereof, and all the heathen that were about us saw these things, they were much cast down in their own eyes: for they perceived that this work was wrought of our God.

Leaders who are committed demonstrate at least four characteristics:

A compelling purpose: They make a commitment to a great cause. What is our great cause? I think we get lost in the weeds of a cause that just is not obtainable. We set unrealistic standards for ourselves. A great cause is simply a teen who desires to be the right example to those in the youth group and is not afraid to commit to a godly example.

A clear perspective: They don’t let fear cloud their view of the future. Fear has gripped the hearts of so many people recently, and in many cases for good reason. However, just like the fears the people had in Nehemiah, they still completed their task because they looked to the future.

A continual prayer: They pray about everything and gain God’s favor. When was the last time you prayed for the circumstances we now find ourselves in? I am guilty of this. It’s amazing how many times we leave prayer as a last resort.

A courageous persistence: They move ahead despite the odds. If you desire to be a godly leader in the youth group, school, or family you will face many obstacles. Satan does not want godly teens willing to stand up for what’s right.

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