If you have ever owned an outdoor pet, like a dog, you have most likely been reminded before going outside to "be careful you do not let the dog inside." Let me help you understand what goes through a dog's mind on any given day:
"Well, here I am again in the backyard waiting for my morning meal of the off brand version for Kibbles and Bits...Why can't they buy me the good stuff? Also, why can't my owner buy me a dog toy that lasts? They always buy one from the dollar store, and one bite into that squeaker toy and the squeaker is broken and white fuz is everywhere. I need to stick to the plan. At any given moment, my owner will come out that door with my morning meal. I will show them how much I love them by jumping all over them and licking them when they bend their face down to the ground to place my bowl on the cement. And then...I will try once again to sneak into the house since my love for them has distracted them from closing the door."
I know, I know...I am taking liberty with that silly illustration. But the verses I am going to share with you today, I am not taking liberty with, because they have been written by almighty God through the pen of Paul and He will remind us that someone is trying to enter into the open door of our hearts.
Ephesians 4:26-27 Be ye angry and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath. Neither give place to the devil.
Paul is warning us about the sin of anger (he would continue this theme in verse 31).
Just like a dog that is waiting for an opportunity to get into that open door allowing him into the house, so Satan is looking for that opportunity to get into that open door of anger allowing him access to your heart.
We are commanded to Keep (guard) our hearts with all diligence (Proverbs 4:23).
Verse 26 is telling us to not let anger into our hearts...why?
Because verse 27 tells us that it gives place, or an open door to the devil.
The idea here is that we literally give a piece of property over to the devil for him to occupy. How do you think the Holy Spirit (the one that moves into our hearts when we are saved) feel about sharing the space of your heart? Verse 30 tells us He is grieved.
Anger in your life can open up the door for Satan to attack you in other areas of your life.
There are different kinds of anger, vs 31 tells us that anger can be bitterness (underlying smoldering) , wrath (outburst of anger), anger (festering within), clamor (a shout or scream of outrage) or malice (all the above).
We must understand that anger is a sign of weakness...not a sign of strength.
Is there any form of anger in your life that is opening the door of your heart to let Satan attack you in other areas? If so I encourage you to read verses 29 and 32 in the same chapter to see what Paul tells us to put on to replace this anger and keep our hearts door closed to the strategic ways of Satan.