William was a patriotic citizen of the land and he made sure everyone knew about it. Those that he would come into contact with would soon find out that William was, "a humble servant of the king!" William prided himself on the fact that he served the King! Everyone knew of William. His devotion to the King was un-denied. He would do many deeds in the name of the King throughout the streets. He even helped an elderly lady cross the dusty roads in the name of the King. William loved to be known as a servant of the King.
However, there was one "small" issue at hand. Even though William was a servant of the King, he did not always follow the King. There were certain rules that he just did not like. He did not like the curfew rule, so he stayed out past time. He did not like the mandatory outfit approval system, so he wore his own style. He wanted to watch videos and listen to music that was not on the approval list...so he did. He wanted to skip out on the mandatory worship day to hang out with friends...so he did. Basically, whatever William wanted to do, he did. There was one day the King was being put on trial, and all of a sudden William didn't want to be caught with him that day. Even though William was a supposed "servant" of the King, he did not always follow the King.
In the later part of John 12, John tells us that there was a large group of Greeks that got excited about the Jesus they were hearing about. They wanted to be servants of this man that could heal the sick, and, just a few short verses before, raise the dead. He had just entered Jerusalem on a donkey and everyone was praising Him! These Greeks wanted in on the excitement.
Once Jesus heard about these men, He did not get excited about the potential growth in the number of followers. No, He made this statement in John 12:26a:
If any man serve me, let him follow me...
What Jesus was telling these Greeks, was that there was something that would separate the "all ins" from the "excited buy ins."
Those that are truly servants of God are truly followers of Him first.
Here is the caution. We can so easily get caught up in the service movement, and forget that our lives ought to be sold out in following the Savior before we go out and serve Him.
This was an exciting time...it was the thing to do. But just a few short chapters later, Jesus would be on trial and all of the people that wanted to serve this Jesus, were found nowhere near Him; and if they were near Him, they were yelling crucify Him.
Teens, don't just "serve" God because it is the thing to do or because you are told to do it.
One day it may not be the thing to do, and there may be no one there telling you to do so.
That is why it is so important to be all in, and follow Christ in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity (1 Timothy 4:12).
Devoted service will be a practice of a devoted follower.
There are many today that claim to serve the King of kings...but when put to the test, they will show that they did not first leave all and follow Him. They will be the first to run when it is no longer the thing to do.
Will you prepare for that moment now? Don't just serve God...follow Him with your heart, your soul and your mind.